Each USF CERT member receives special training in disaster response, starting with our CERT Basic Training course. After Basic Training, USF CERT members receive supplementary training to ensure that our team is ready to respond. USF CERT Members also have access to advanced training through the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including specialty topics such as HAZMAT, Storm Spotting, Emergency Sheltering, Damage Assessment, Professional Development classes, and more.

Basic Training
CERT Basic Training is a 22 hour course taught by our team of certified FEMA CERT Instructors. Trainees learn vital CERT skills in Disaster Preparedness, Fire Science, Disaster Medical Operations, Search and Rescue, Disaster Psychology, CERT Organization, and Terrorism Awareness topics. The course is both lecture and skill based, meaning students learn and practice these topics, and then put them to the test in a final Mass Casualty Incident disaster exercise.
Independent Study Program
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers online Independent Study (IS) classes that provide certifications of completion in almost 200 different topics, from the Incident Command System to Active Shooters to Professional Development and everything in between. All of these courses are free and relatively short and available to all of our USF CERT members. Our program will show you which classes to take to set yourself up for success!

State Emergency Response Team
Training Resources & Activity Center
Florida Division of Emergency Management's State Emergency Response Team Training Resources & Activity Center (SERT TRAC) is a hub for in-person courses offered by FEMA and delivered by the state of Florida. SERT TRAC courses can be found year round all across the state, and cover advanced CERT topics such as becoming a FEMA CERT Instructor, as well as classes for professionals and government officials like the Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and Advanced Incident Command System. All of these are available to USF CERT members at no cost!
Medical Training
CERT Basic Training covers Disaster Medical Operations including first aid and triage, but USF CERT members also have access to different opportunities for more advanced medical training. We can connect you with Emergency Medical Responder certification, Basic and Advanced Disaster Life Support classes, and more!

National Domestic Preparedness Consortium
The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) is a partnership of several nationally recognized organizations whose membership is based on the urgent need to address the counter-terrorism preparedness needs of the nation’s emergency first responders within the context of all hazards including chemical, biological, radiological, and explosive Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) hazards.

Center for Domestic Preparedness
Anniston, Alabama
The Center for Domestic Preparedness is FEMA's premier All-Hazards training center. This resident training facility offers courses in HAZMAT Operations, CBRNE Operations, and much more! Airfare and housing is paid for by the Department of Homeland Security.
Center for Radiologial Nuclear Training
Las Vegas, Nevada
Counterterrorism Operations Support (CTOS) operates the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) to provide advanced training and realistic scenarios for first responders in Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) response. This is the ONLY place where you can experience an actual WMD environment because of the irradiated training sites. CTOS also offers online and mobile training.
National Center for Biomedical Research & Training
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Committed to “preparing you today for tomorrow’s threats,” the NCBRT provides training in Biological, Food-borne, and Active Shooter terrorist incidents, as well as WMD response. Training is offered in locations across the country and can be requested at our own location.
Energetic Materials Research & Testing Center
Socorro, New Mexico
EMRTC is a leader in developing and providing DHS/FEMA approved training to qualified First Responders. The primary objective of first responder training is to prevent or circumvent an incident involving explosives. The use of practical exercises, field labs, and job-based case scenarios is integrated in all courses.
National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center
College Station, Texas
NERRTC's mission is to design, develop, and deliver training, exercises, and technical assistance for the nation's emergency responders. NERRTC combines traditional classroom work, small group instruction, field exercises, participant activities, case studies and vignettes, multimedia scenarios, and computer-aided training and exercise simulations to train individuals and jurisdictions. Topics include EMS, Public Health, Emergency Management, Cyber Security, HAZMAT, Search & Rescue, and more!
For more information on training opportunities, contact us.