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Our Bulls Give Back: BSB

New Orleans, LA

While many spring breakers went on vacation to famous beaches or spent the week relaxing, some of our CERT members who are apart of Bulls Service Break (BSB) went to New Orleans, LA to give back to the community.

They spent the week doing numerous activities throughout the community. Each activity had a heavy focus on either Disaster Management or Environmental Health.

DAY ONE 3/13/17

On Monday, our Bulls met with Tulane University about their Public Health Program. Students got the opportunity to learn more about their Tropical Medicine Program as well as their Disaster/Emergency Management Programs. Later in the day, our members worked with the Red Cross. They spent the afternoon canvassing New Orleans neighborhoods, informing residents of the upcoming free smoke alarm installation. They then filled out door knockers to be hung the day of installation in case a homeowner is not home during the event.

DAY 2 3/14/17

On Tuesday, students went to New Orleans City Hall to talk with their Health Department. During the lectures, they got to hear from several speakers about the current programs the city is working on. Some topics included: Bike Safety, Maternal Child Health, HIV/AIDS, and Emergency Management. Later that day, our Bulls finished canvassing for the Red Cross. Afterwords, they worked on preparing Emergency To-Go Kits for the Red Cross. These kits included forms for important information such as Birth Certificates, Insurance Information, Pet Info, Supply Lists, as well as many other important necessities during an emergency.

DAY 3 3/15/17

On Wednesday, BSB went to the Second Harvest Food Bank to help create lunches for kids. They helped separate hundreds of grapes from the vine and re-packed them into snack size bags. They also helped make over 200 hundred sandwiches. After their day in the kitchen, our bulls went on a self-guided Hurricane Katrina tour. It started at the State Museum and took them throughout the city to different key locations during the storm.

DAY 4 3/16/17

On Thursday, students visited the Homeland Security Office. They got to speak to Emergency Managers and Planners about their operations. They then got to tour their EOC and ask questions about how they handle emergencies. Later that day, our Bulls went to City Park and helped re-pot, weed and water plants for the botanical gardens.

DAY 5 3/17/17

On Friday, our Bulls went out to Bayou Sauvage to help with a costal clean up. They helped removed trash that polluted the area. Later they were given the opportunity to explore the area by airboat! In the afternoon, our bulls finished their Hurricane Katrina tour by visiting the Lower 9th Ward. Afterwards, they visited areas affected by the tornados that touched down back in February. Damage is still very prevalent and families will need help with recovery in the following months.

This service break allowed are members to grow closer to one another, learn about disasters as well as immerse themselves into a new community.

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