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USF CERT Family Grows

Tampa, FL

We would like to warmly welcome our new members to the USF CERT Family! So far this Spring, we have had two groups go through our CERT training program. We are very excited to have these new members who are as passionate about disaster safety as we are.

The first group to join us were students from Elizabeth Dunn’s Community Engaged Homeland Security Class. Since January, each week they have been going through each module during class and learning the critical skills needed during an emergency.

Group 2 is our most recent addition to the CERT family. Students came from several organizations such as Bulls Service Break & Advanced Disaster Life Support Course.These students attended trainings Monday (2/27), Wednesday (3/1) and Saturday (3/4). Students also got to participate in the hands on learning experience of fire safety, triage and light search and rescue.

For both groups, on the last day of their training, their skills were put to the test. CERT Students were split into teams and they had to coordinate a search and rescue, transport and medical treatment area.

Volunteers and other current CERT members/officers participated as victims for both these exercises. By using moulage, they created very realistic wounds to make our students feel as if this were a true event happening.

Thank you to all of those who helped coordinate, prepare, and deliver these training sessions and exercises. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Interested in joining our team? Want more information on how you can help? Contact us here!

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